реферат бесплатно, курсовые работы

Псловицы, поговорки английского языка. Их значение, употребление и русские эквиваленты

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|Пословица в ситуации: He always writes short letters, he believes that |

|brevity is the soul of wit. |

| |

|22. No news is good news. |

|Отсутствие новостей - хорошая новость. |

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|Лучшая новость - отсутствие всякой новости. |

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|Пословица в ситуации: The doctor said, 'Then there’s no news at all; |

|and no news, they say, is good news.' |

| |

|23. Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you? |

|Не тревожь беду, пока беда сама не потревожит |

|тебя. |

| |

| |

|Не кличь беду, сама придет. |

|Не буди лихa, пока лихо тихо. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: His heart felt heavy with the thought that something was about |

|to happen. “Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you!’ said Mary angrily. And |

|at |

|once he felt a little better. |

| |

|24. East or West, home is best. |

|Восток ли, запад ли, а дома лучше всего. |

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|В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: She was standing on the same bridge talking to |

|Bob, whom she had not seen for five years. Well, East or West, home is best! |

|She was happy to be at home again. |

| |

| |

|25. A good beginning makes a good ending. |

|Хорошее начало обеспечивает хороший конец (дословный перевод). |

| |

| |

|. Доброе начало полдела откачало (русская пословица). Лиха беда |

|начало |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: The first time-period was over with the |

|score 2:0. The coach was pleased with the result. A good beginning|

|makes a good ending. |

| |

|26. Great boast, small roast. |

|Много похвальбы, да мало жареного. |

| |

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|Звону много, толку мало. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: Mr. Green was not a modest person. He liked |

|to boast his rich house, his pretty garden, his clever children |

|and many other things. Neighbors said about him: “Great boast, |

|small roast.” |

| |

|27. Don’t cross a bridge till you come to it. |

|Не переходи моста, пока ты до него не добрался. |

| |

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|Наперед не загадывай. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: Don’t worry about something before it has |

|happened. Your fears may be groundless, for it may never happen. |

|You mustn’t cross a bridge till you come to it. |

| |

|28. Bad news travels fast. |

|Плохая весть быстро передается. |

| |

| |

|Худые вести не лежат на месте. |

|Плохая молва на крыльях летит. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: The proverb “Bad news travels fast” means |

|that bad news nearly always reaches us more quickly than good news|

| |

| |

| |

|29. Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. |

|Почеши мне спину, тогда я твою почешу |

|(дословный перевод). |

| |

| |

|Услуга за услугу (русская пословица). |

|Рука руку моет. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: My new friend helped me home with my luggage and I asked her |

|to stay with me until I found her a room. You know the saying “Scratch my back and |

|I’ll scratch yours.” |

| |

|30. The rotten apple injures its neighbours. |

|Гнилое яблоко портит соседние яблоки. |

| |

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|Паршивая овца все стадо портит. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: Nick’s mother was strongly against her son’s friendship with |

|Pete. She was afraid that it would tell upon her son, who was |

|a good pupil. “A rotten apple injures its neighbours,” she often said to him. |

| |

|31. Hunger is the best sauce. |

|Голод - лучшая приправа. |

| |

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|Голод - лучший повар. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: Oliver Twist and his little friends ate everything they were |

|given. |

|Hunger is the best sauce, you know. |

| |

|32. Appetite comes with eating. |

|Аппетит приходит во время еды. Дословный |

|перевод совпадает с русской пословицей. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: “Appetite comes with eating,” my mother says |

|always when I refuse to eat. |

| |

| |

|33. Appearances are deceitful. |

|Наружность обманчива. По наружности о человеке не судят. Дословный перевод |

|совпадает с русской пословицей. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: He is not so quiet as he looks. His appearance is |

|deceitful. |

| |

|34. What is done cannot be undone. |

|Что сделано, того не переделаешь (дословный перевод). |

| |

| |

|Сделанного не воротишь. |

|Что с возу упало, то пропало (русская пословица). |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: “I am afraid, sir, that you have ruined a great |

|career.” ‘I suppose that is so,” he answered with a sigh. “What is done |

|cannot be undone.” |

| |

|35. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. |

|Кушай по яблоку в день и врач не понадобится. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: Of course, I eat an apple every morning. An apple a |

|day keeps the doctor away. |

| |

|36. Catch the bear before you sell his skin. |

|Прежде поймай медведя, а потом продавай его шкуру. |

| |

| |

|Не убив медведя, шкуры не продавай. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: Never sell the bear’s skin until you have killed the |

|bear. |

| |

| |

|37. Every cloud has a silver lining. |

|Всякое облако серебром оторочено (дословный перевод). |

| |

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|Нет худа без добра (русская пословица). |

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|Пословица в ситуации: Don’t get upset. Every cloud has a silver lining. |

| |

|38. First think, then speak. |

|Сперва подумай, потом говори. |

| |

| |

|Молвишь, не воротишь. |

|Слово не воробей, вылетит, не поймаешь. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: The favourite proverb of our teacher is “First think, |

|then speak”. Sometimes he says: "To speak without thinking is to shoot |

|without looking." |

| |

|39. One good turn deserves another. |

|Одна хорошая услуга заслуживает другую. |

| |

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|Долг платежом красен. |

|Услуга за услугу. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: He did me a good turn once, and I try to help him when|

|I can. One good turn deserves another. |

| |

|40. To tell tales out of school. |

|Разбалтывать (сплетничать) за стенами школы. |

| |

| |

|Выносить сор из избы. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: |

|“He’s got into trouble.” |

|“Tell us about it.” |

|“I must not tell tales out of school.” |

| |

| |

|41. Two heads are better than one. |

|Две головы лучше одной (дословный перевод). |

| |

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|Ум хорошо, а два лучше (русская пословица). |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: I want to know what you really think I should do. Two |

|heads are better than one, you know, even mine is one of them. |

| |

|42. Still waters run deep. |

|Тихие воды имеют глубокое течение. |

| |

| |

|В тихой воде омуты глубоки. |

|В тихом омуте черти водятся. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: "I don’t understand the proverb ‘Still waters run deep’|

|quite clearly. Can you explain it to me?" "The proverb has the meaning that |

|the fact that a man says little does not mean that he does not think |

|profoundly, while those who talk the most have no depth of feeling." |

| |

|43. Don’t halloo till you are out of the wood. |

|Не радуйся, пока не выбрался из лесу. |

| |

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|Не говори «гоп», пока не перепрыгнешь. |

|Не радуйся раньше времени. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: Don’t halloo till you are out of wood. You had better |

|wait for the results of the experiment instead of boasting that you have done|

|something wonderful. |

| |

|44. Curiosity killed a cat. |

|Любопытство погубило кошку. |

| |

| |

|Любопытство до добра не доводит. |

|Много будешь знать, скоро состаришься. |

| |

|Пословица в ситуации: “I am sorry,” he said, “I know I shouldn’t have come.” |

|“They say that curiosity killed the cat, but I never believed it when I was |

|your age.” |

| |

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|45. A stitch in time saves nine. |

|Один стежок, сделанный вовремя, стоит девяти (дословный перевод). |

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|Дело вовремя - не бремя (русская пословица). |

|Минутка час бережет. |

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|Пословица в ситуации: “Pete, what are you doing with your bicycle? It is |

|quite new. You have bought it this year.” “You know, Nick, a stitch in time |

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